Course curriculum

  • 1

    Emotional Intelligence 101

    • Welcome to Emotional Intelligence 101

    • Emotional Intelligence Overview

    • Cycles & Impact of Emotional Intelligence

    • Reviewing Emotional Intelligence scores

  • 2

    Quotient 1: Self Recognition

    • How EQ shows up In the real world

    • Prioritizing area's of improvement

    • Self Recognition Score Review

    • Details of your self recognition score

    • Self Appreciation: Doing your best

    • Consciousness & Assertiveness (Cocky vs Confident)

    • Self Awareness and personal boundaries

    • Self Recognition Reflection

    • Self Recognition Reflection Questions

  • 3

    Quotient 2: Social Recognition

    • Social Recognition Overview

    • How to be seen as more approachable

    • EQ is built over time not crisis

    • Maintaining empathy in leadership

    • Holistic communication: How each sub category score impacts another

    • Understanding Interpersonal Development

    • Improving communication and relationships

    • Holistic communication and Interpersonal Development

    • Social Recognition Reflection

    • Social Recognition Reflection Questions

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    Quotient 3: Self Management

    • Self Management Overview

    • Learning collaboration and teamwork

    • How sub category scores connect

    • Managing multiple tasks

    • Self Management Reflection Questions

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    Quotient 4: Social Management

    • Social Management Overview

    • Self control and Discipline

    • Eliminating distraction's

    • Goal Orientation, Purpose and Dedication

    • Leveraging EQ in your job search

    • Social Management Reflection Questions

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    Next steps

    • Next steps

    • Professional Development Plan

    • EIQ-2-Validity-Study

    • 52 Ways to Improve Emotional Intelligence